1、新指令适用范围增加了半成品,举升附件等; (a) machinery 机械设备; (b) interchangeable equipment 可互换性设备; (c) safety components 安全零组件; (d) lifting accessories 升降机附件; (e) chains, ropes and webbing 链条、绳索、丝网; (f) removable mechanical transmission devices 可拆卸的机械传动装置; (g) partly completed machinery 机械半成品机械装置. 2、新指令附录I基本健康和安全同老指令存在一些技术差异,如噪音声压值80dB需标出声功率值; 3、新指令增加了更多术语明确的定义如半成品,制造商; 4、评估程序,新指令不在使用“storage option”模式,只接收下列中的一个模式: (a) the procedure for assessment of conformity with internal checks on the manufacture of machinery, provided for in Annex VIII 自我宣告; (b) the EC type-examination procedure provided for in Annex IX, plus the internal checks on the manufacture of machinery provided for in Annex VIII, point 3 EC 型式验证; (c) the full quality assurance procedure provided for in Annex X *质量保证模试. 5、机械指令2006/42/EC对于附录四(Annex IV)中危险机械的产品清单进行了更新,在98/37/EC指令中17种危险机械的基础上增加到23种;同时对于98/37/EC Annex IV part B部分的安全机械部件,在2006/42/EC中单独以附录五(Annex V)的形式列出,由原来的5个安全部件增加到17类产品,通过更新目录及限制进入欧盟市场进行控制。
6、新指令要求半成品投入市场需达到以下要求并随同半成品一起提供直到成品完成: (a) the relevant technical documentation described in Annex VII, part B is prepared 编制附录VII B的技术文件; (b) assembly instructions described in Annex VI are prepared 附录VI描述的装配说明书; (c) a declaration of incorporation described in Annex II, part 1, Section B has been drawn up 宣告. 7、加强了市场监督力度: 由于目前不合法的CE*或宣告太多,许多带有CE标志的机械产品并没有达到相关欧盟指令的要求,新版机械指令加强市场监督力度。
(原文:The EC declaration of conformity must contain the following particulars: name and address of the person authorised to compile the technical file, who must be established in the Community。